Dear Amazon


Lately, I’ve shared quite a few joys with you. Today I’m sharing another one.

I am the happy and proud owner of a Kindle.

It’s been on my wishlist for quite a while, so I can barely contain my excitement. I mean, after this whole time of waiting and day dreaming about it – voilà! Although this is completely irrelevant to the actual gadget, I also have a very pretty Kindle case – as seen on the picture. (To the girls reading this, please tell me you understand.)

I first learned about e-readers about 3 years ago from my friend Sergiu. I was sceptical. One, because I’m a fan of hard-copy books. From holding a book in my hands, turning its pages, underlining phrases in pencil, to the smell of paper and the creativity of bookmarks – it was all part of the reading thrill for me. Second, because I didn’t enjoy e-books at all. Starring at a pdf file on my computer screen was not my cup of tea, however interesting the book. Then, the Kindle happened.

After a month of (intense) use, what I can say is this: it has exceeded my expectations.  Ease of use – tick. Availability of books – tick. Long-lasting battery – tick. Lightweight and comfortable to carry around – tick.

More than this, I was surprised by a number of things. By how quickly I get the books I purchase. By the fact that there are free books available – although I’ve still to learn the system in order to get good deals. By how quickly I got used to pressing the “next page” button. So quickly, in fact, that I find myself  “clicking” on hard-copy books, too.

Dear Amazon, thank you for the Kindle.

I can’t have a post about Kindle without mentioning  Andy and Nancy – our friends and mentors – who’ve given us bookworms the best wedding gifts. We so love you!

Do you have a Kindle? How do you like it?

18 thoughts on “Dear Amazon

    1. I have the regular 3rd Gen Kindle 🙂
      I’ve seen the new ones and they look really cool. I’d like to get my hand on a Kindle Fire, to see how it’s like. But then, that seems more of an iPad type device. And one thing I prefer about the Kindle is the distraction-free reading.
      I’d recommend you get Kindle Reading App for PC now and start getting books – then you’ll just send them to your Kindle. My husband did that and we already had a few books when we got ours, plus he sent his books from Audible and we can listen to them on the Kindle, too.
      Which of the new ones are you thinking of getting?


  1. Congrats again on the unforgettable life-long moments that you are experiencing!!!

    IT’ is on my list!!! My hubby said “soon…”

    Thank you for your input, it makes my хочу even stronger =`)



    1. Haha, Vika – well, if he said soon, you’ll have it soon 🙂 Let me know when you get it, so we could share books! I understood there’s a borrowing system, but I’ve still to figure it out. hugs


  2. Of course I understand about the cute cover. That is why I don’t yet have a new cover for my new computer. I haven’t found one that fits the cuteness factor yet.

    Glad you love your Kindles. You are both wonderful. Love your love for books! Talk to Andy about finding the free books.


    1. haha, Emma – not sure about the smell, but you can get covers that look like old books. They’re pretty, actually – and no one would guess you’re not reading from a book, but from a gadget.

      I don’t think I’ll grow to prefer any gadget to actual hard-copy books, but then I’m not just a bookworm, but a bit of a geek, too 🙂


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